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GTEC 2013

GTEC 2013

Agile Government: Open, Collaborative, Mobile

October 7 to 10, 2013 | Bilingual
Ottawa Convention Centre
Ottawa, Ontario

GTEC (Government Technology Exhibition and Conference) brings together leading public and private sector experts to collaborate on serving citizens better through innovation and technology.

Deputy Ministers Panel: Managing the Change

October 10, 2013
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (ET)

Many federal departments and agencies are already innovating to transform their business processes and organizations to meet changing demands. What are some of these innovations? What have been the challenges in managing them from a senior leader's perspective? What lessons have been learned? What are the expectations of the CIO and the IT function in these transformations?

A panel of deputy ministers will share their experience and insights, and answer questions on innovation and transformation in the federal public service.


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