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Privacy as the Foundation of Trust


Polls consistently show that the overwhelming majority of Canadians are concerned about their privacy and how their personal information is being collected and used. While innovative uses of personal information may result in economic and social benefits, these positive outcomes must still be weighed against potential privacy risks.

As part of Privacy Awareness Week, this insightful event will explore how public servants can use practical measures to promote accountability and transparency to protect the privacy of Canadians and build trust.

Learn from Marie-Christine Monchalin and May Turcot from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada as they share information regarding privacy impact assessments, information sharing agreements, privacy notices, personal information banks, privacy breach protocols, and more.


  • Marie-Christine Monchalin, Acting Manager, Government Advisory Directorate, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
  • May Turcot, Senior Advisor, Government Advisory Directorate, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

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