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Towards Renewed Relationships: Understanding Indigenous Cultures and Their Realities

Towards Renewed Relationships: Understanding Indigenous Cultures and Their Realities

The School, in collaboration with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, invites public servants in the Quebec region to a learning day on Indigenous cultures. Come hear from Serge Bouchard, a leading speaker on the history and realities of First Nations, who has delivered presentations on this topic for more than 30 years.

Mr. Bouchard will explore the sociopolitical and cultural history of First Nations to help participants develop a better understanding of their context, the challenges they face and their diverse realities.

Event information

This learning activity has been designed for all federal public servants at no cost to learners. Please note that this activity is not available by webcast (on-site participation only).


Date and Time:

February 28, 2017 | 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (EST)


Serge Bouchard, anthropologist, writer and radio host


Auditorium de l'École nationale d'administration publique, 555 Charest Boulevard East, Québec, Quebec




Quebec and Nunavut Region

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