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Using Digital Tools for Inclusive Decision Making


To build inclusiveness in public policy and support diversity as a cornerstone of Canadian society, the Government of Canada is relying more and more on digital tools and technical innovations. A number of digital tools currently being used in the public service are creating inclusive public policy recommendations and delivering better service outcomes. But these tools come with risks, including the barriers around digital literacy and accessibility, as well as the inherent biases of certain artificial intelligence.

Join us as we explore how to use digital tools for inclusive decision making and how mitigating the risks of using these tools will help deliver better service outcomes for Canadians.


  • Patricia Meredith, Ph.D., Fellow, Clarkson Institute for Board Effectiveness, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
  • Amy Bonomi, Ph.D, Professor, Michigan State University


Vanessa Vermette, Director General, Communications and Engagement, Canada School of Public Service

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