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Completed Access to Information Requests: November 2011

Completed Access to Information Requests – November 2011. Request numbers are listed in the first column. Read down the first column and then to the right for the summary of the request, disposition and number of pages released.
Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Released
A-2011-032Call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of any Standing Offer and/or Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services in October 2011.Disclosed in part 25
A-2011-033Call-ups and amendments (PWGSC Form 942 or departmental equivalent) issued under the terms of the Task-Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer (EN578-0055605) in the National Capital Region in October 2011.Does not exist 0
A-2011-034Documentation which indicates all appointments of term and casual employees by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Public Service Employment Act in October 2011.All disclosed 1
A-2011-035All local purchase orders processed by this institution in the National Capital Region for the procurement of Temporary Help Services in October 2011.Does not exist 0

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