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Frequently asked questions about the School's learning platform

Q1: Why has GCcampus been replaced with a new learning platform?

A1: The Canada School of Public Service is committed to ensuring that public servants have the tools they need to do their jobs effectively. The School has invested in building a modern, user-friendly, accessible, secure, reliable, cloud-based, infinitely scalable and mobile-friendly learning platform.

Q2: What is replacing GCcampus?

A2: Following consultations with and feedback from users across the public service, the School has developed a new modern learning platform to improve the registration and learning experience for all public service learners.

Q3: What are the benefits of this new learning platform?

A3: The benefits of the new learning platform include:

  • an easier login—learners can sign in using their GC email address
  • a modern, user-friendly, accessible, secure, reliable, cloud-based, infinitely scalable and mobile-friendly learning experience
  • an integrated learning catalogue with enhanced search and filter functionalities
  • a simplified registration process
  • access to a personalized learning space where learners can update their user profile, identify their language preferences and quickly view their completed and in-progress learning activities
Q4: What is in the new learning catalogue?

A4: The new learning catalogue offers integrated access to the School's learning products from a single public-facing interface. The catalogue includes entries for all of the School's learning products, including job aids, videos, blogs, courses, programs, podcasts and events. The catalogue will allow learners to search by topic, type, delivery method, duration and more.

Q5: Have learners' GCcampus transcripts of completed courses been transferred to the new learning platform?

A5: Yes. Each learner's GCcampus transcript of completed courses has been transferred to the new learning platform.

Q6: Will learners need a new username and password to access the new learning platform?

A6: Yes. Learners will need to create a new account to access the new learning platform. Once they set up their new account, users can sign in using their Government of Canada email address and the 12-character password they created for this new account.

Q7: How do learners access learning products in the new learning platform?

A7: Learners are invited to browse the School's new integrated learning catalogue for courses, events or other types of learning products. To access learning products, learners should select the Sign-in button at the top right on the School's website.

Q8: Can learners access the new learning platform from a personal computer or mobile device?

A8: Yes. The new learning platform is web based and can be accessed through a personal computer or mobile device such as an iPhone or tablet with access to the Internet. The learning platform is optimized for newer browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge. Some features may not work when using Internet Explorer.

Q9: Why do learners require a 12-character password?

A9: Government of Canada security officials now recommend the use of 12-character passphrases to keep accounts secure. A passphrase can be a phrase of at least 4 or 5 random words that meet the minimum 12-character length requirement. Special characters, capitals and numbers are still accepted, but not required.

Q10: Why are there no new instructor-led virtual classroom offerings beyond March 31, 2022?

A10: New offerings for the 2022–23 fiscal year will begin to appear in the catalogue following the launch of the new learning platform.

Q11: Will instructor-led virtual classroom offerings continue to be delivered through WebEx under the new learning platform?

A11: Yes. WebEx, among other technologies, will continue to be used for the delivery of instructor-led virtual classroom courses.

Q12: Will learners have to register again to keep their place on a course waitlist once the new learning platform is launched?

A12: No. Existing registrations, waitlists and other learning requests will not be affected. Instructor-led classroom courses will continue to be delivered as scheduled until they are transitioned to the new learning platform after its launch. The School's Registrar's Office will track all current waitlists and learning requests and will invite learners to register on the new platform once the new offerings are added.

Q13: How can learners register for a virtual classroom course in the new learning platform?

A13: Virtual classroom courses will continue to be searchable through the new learning catalogue. Learners can simply select the course they are interested in and they will be taken to the course description page that lists upcoming offerings.

Q14: Who should learners contact if they have questions about the new learning platform?

A14: All questions related to the new learning platform can be submitted through the School's online general inquiries form.

Q15: Can a government employee create a new account if they do not have a PRI/Service number/HRMIS code and/or government email address?

A15: Employees will not be able to create an account without a government ID; however, the Client Contact Centre will be able to assist these learners in specific situations.

Q16: Will learners be able to update their own profile?

A16: Yes. Learners will be able to update their profile themselves in the new learning platform. Learners will be able to personalize their learning space, update their profile, select their language preferences and view a list of their completed and in-progress learning activities.

Q17: How do learners indicate that they require accommodation?

A17: Learners should direct their accommodation requests to the Client Contact Centre

Q18: How can learners send feedback about the new learning platform or new learning catalogue?

A18: The School is committed to client service excellence and welcomes learners' comments and feedback.

Q19: How does the Canada School of Public Service ensure the accessibility of the learning platform?

A19: The School is committed to ensuring the new learning platform provides a user-friendly learning experience to all learners and meets, or exceeds, the applicable Government of Canada accessibility requirements, as outlined in the current Standard on Web Accessibility. As part of this commitment, the School's platform will undergo regular audits against this accessibility standard. Any gaps identified will be remediated as quickly as is possible.

Q20: What testing was done on the new learning platform to ensure it meets accessibility requirements?

A20: The learning platform was reviewed and tested by Fable, a company that offers accessibility testing services with a diverse community of people with disabilities who use various assistive technologies. Accessibility issues identified by Fable have either been remediated or are in the process of remediation. The School's public-facing platforms have been scanned by Siteimprove, which provides automated accessibility testing that strictly adheres to WCAG standards and allows the School to spot issues and errors across all conformance levels. All new course content developed in the learning platform underwent an automated accessibility check that identified issues before the courses were published.

Q21: What else will the School do to ensure employees with accessibility needs are able to access the content of the new learning platform without barriers?

A21: The School strives to provide a modern, user-friendly learning experience and to exceed existing Government of Canada accessibility standards wherever possible. The School's new learning platform ecosystem allows for continuous improvement and future changes in response to regular testing and user feedback. The School will continue to design and test new features with a diverse group of learners, including those living with disabilities and those who use assistive technologies to navigate the web.

Q22: Whom do I contact if I have feedback on the accessibility of the new learning platform?

A22: The School is committed to client service excellence and welcomes comments from learners. We are actively working to address accessibility issues, as they are identified, in collaboration with the vendors who supply the various technology components of the platform. Your feedback helps us understand your learning needs and improve the delivery of our programs and services.

If you experience any difficulties with the new learning platform, please contact our Client Contact Centre. We want to hear from you.

Q23: Do certain features on the learning platform require the learner to enable cookies and allow pop-ups?

A23: Yes. The learning platform is optimized for newer browsers and learners must enable cookies and allow pop-ups in order to properly access certain features on the learning platform. Please visit the Help menu on the learning platform and select Supported browsers and settings to learn more about how to optimize your learning experience.

Q24: What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?

A24: Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a robust security measure designed to add an extra layer of protection to your account. It requires two distinct forms of verification before granting access.

For the learning platform, these two factors are your regular password and a one-time password sent to your work email address.

Q25: Why is the Canada School of Public Service implementing 2FA?

A25: The Canada School of Public Service is implementing 2FA to strengthen the security of our learning platform.

2FA protects sensitive personal information and ensures the integrity of our platform by reducing the risk of unauthorized access or breaches.

Q26: How does 2FA work on the learning platform?

A26: On our learning platform, 2FA operates as follows:

  • When you log in, first you enter your password.
  • A unique one-time password is then sent to your work email address.
  • You will be prompted to input the one-time password sent to your email.

Even if your regular password is compromised, no one can access your account without the one-time password sent to your work email address.

Q27: What are the benefits of using 2FA?

A27: The benefits of using 2FA for the School’s learning platform include:

  • Enhanced security: 2FA adds an additional security layer to protect your account from unauthorized access and potential threats.
  • Data protection: 2FA safeguards your personal information and learning records from cyber threats and data breaches.
  • Compliance: Using 2FA aligns with industry best practices and regulatory requirements for secure online operations, ensuring adherence to modern security standards.
Q28: How will 2FA affect my use of the learning platform?

A28: The impact of 2FA on your use of the learning platform includes:

  • Login process: You will have an extra login step, as you will need to enter a one-time password. This minor adjustment significantly strengthens the security of your account.
  • Device management: You will need to have access to your work email during the login process to receive the one-time password.
Q29: Who can I contact for more information or assistance with 2FA on the learning platform?

A29: If you need help setting up and using 2FA, if you did not receive an email with the one-time password when you entered your regular password, or if you would like more information about 2FA, the Client Contact Centre is available to assist you.

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