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Learning paths

View recommended learning by theme or community, plus the new mandatory training inventory.


Innovation learning path New

Explore courses, tools and resources that support innovation in the federal public service.

Policy Analyst Learning Map New

Explore learning products and useful resources for policy analysts and others in policy-related fields.

Values and ethics learning path New

Embark on a comprehensive learning journey on the topic of values and ethics in the public service.

2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusion Learning

Find job aids, courses, videos, and events on 2SLGBTQIA+ awareness, inclusion, and allyship from a single point of reference.

Accessibility Learning Series

Learn how you can be more inclusive every day by eliminating and preventing new barriers for people with disabilities.

Anti-Racism Learning Series

Explore learning that supports the awareness and elimination of racism and systemic barriers in Canada.

Briefing skills learning path

Explore the tools needed to deliver concise, intuitive, and well-constructed briefings and other presentations.

Coaching, mentoring and networking learning path

Learn to build relationships and communicate with colleagues and peers to further the evolution of the federal public service.

COVID-19: Learning resources

Consult learning resources for public servants during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Digital and data learning

Discover learning on key digital, data, and design themes that help public servants gain the knowledge needed for government in the digital age.

Equity, diversity and inclusion learning path for executives

Demonstrate your commitment to workplace equity and values around diversity and inclusion by using anti‑racist tools and practices.

Facilitation Essentials New

Learn specific strategies, techniques and best practices that promote and enhance the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to facilitate collaboration in any group setting.

GC Essentials for the IT Apprenticeship Program for Indigenous Peoples

This learning path will help you get started on your journey towards working in the Government of Canada.

Gender-based Analysis Plus

Understand the importance of supporting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

HR-to-pay training

Discover essential learning products on your responsibilities related to the human resources and pay system and get practical tools and job aids to complete HR-to-pay actions.

Indigenous Learning Products

Discover Canada's shared history with First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Language maintenance tools

Improve your English or French language skills.

Mental Health Learning Series

Access courses, learning tools and resources to help improve and maintain mental health.

Navigating a crisis

Explore learning resources and lessons to help navigate through a crisis based on the experience of senior officials shared during the Marquee Moments Events Series.

Public Service Orientation

Discover foundational learning for all public servants.

Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Learning Path

Access courses, case studies, job aids and resources to support the implementation of Bill C-65 which came into effect on January 1, 2021.



Discover recommended learning activities for managing talent and building leadership.

Managers and supervisors

Explore tailored resources that support employee management and team building.


Discover learning services for our partners and other private sector institutions.


Learn the fundamentals of the public service and discover tools to support your work in a virtual work environment.

Mandatory Training Inventory

Find training that has been determined to be mandatory by the Secretary of the Treasury Board.

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